Shree Panjanthaya and Banta Daivas appeared in the form of a bell (gante) in the forest known as “Ukkuruda Gudde”. After a period of time they settled in Bhandarabail. Thereafter, the Arasu Daivas of Udyavara Mada, with the intention of expanding their territory, settled on the designated Royal space at Kuthar (ArasuKatte).There ensued a battle between Panjanthaya, Banta Daivas and the Arasu Daivas of Udyavara Mada. The battle raged for seven days and seven nights but the victor could not be decided.
In the meanwhile, The powerful and miracle creating Koragathaniya Daiva (Korragajja) who had disappeared from Kadri Temple, trying to pluck the Citron fruit, offers a stick (Pole of Strychnine tree) as offering to Shri Somanatha , the Supreme God of principality of nine Maganes.
On his return to Kallapu he (Koragathaniya) sees Panjanthaya and Banta Daivas sitting in distress on the rock bed at Kallade. Koraga Taniya Daiva (Korragajja) goes and offers the stick (Dhanté) enquiring if he could be of any help. The Panjanthaya and Banta Daivas explain the invasion of the ArasuDaivas.
Koraga Taniya Daiva (Korragajja) asks what he will be granted if he ousts them from their territory. In turn, Panjanthaya Daiva asks what guarantee he has, to believe that Koraga Taniya Daiva (Korragajja) can do this task.upon which Koraga Taniya Daiva (Korragajja) reveals his real form (virataroopa). On seeing this the Panjanthaya and banta Daivas feel assured of his capability.
The Panjanthaya Daiva said “If you are able to oust the Arasu Daivas from our territory, I will offer you food cooked in village (bailud adige) and narthanaseve in forest (kaadud mechi) and will give you seven primordial places (adisthalas). In those places, I will give you the powers of fulfilling the wishes of your devotees who conduct services to you in the darkness, without the use of fire or light” (thoothudar).
Having got this assurance, Koragathaniya Daiva (Korragajja) proceeded to Kutharguthu house and with His powers created a brown skinned Cow.
Hecut the leg of the cow, hid it inside his head cover and told the Arasu Daivas, “You should return to your original place as per the religious norms .If you do not, I will chase you by throwing this leg of sacred cow on you.” The arasu Daivas who observed strict moral practices, looking at the leg of the sacred cow, returned back to their native place Udyavara Mada. Panjanthaya daiva gave Koragthaniya (Koragajja), the promised seven villages (adisthalas).
In the seven adisthalas given to Koragajja, seven Siris used to be the primordial Daivas. Hence they were provided with alternate lands therefore, while conducting rituals to Koragathaniya daiva, the primary submission service takes place to these Siris.
The Siris are also called “eight spirits” or “Merer Daivas” (they are : two elder brothers, two younger brothers, one sister bride , Sankole Guliga, Sunnalayi and Pilibhootha). All these Daivaswere worshipped in these seven primordial places of Koragathaniya Daiva. Panjanthaya daiva gave alternate places to these Daivas. Koragathaniya (Koragajja) who disappeared at the Kadri Temple was wandering in the invisible form, before getting the present settlement.
As per the sayings of the people of earlier generations, there is a history of about 800 years for the rituals of Shri Panjanthaya, Banta , Shri Vaidyanatha and Shri Koragajja Daivas. The festival and rituals of these Daivas are traditionally performed under the guidance of munnur grama thantri, administration of Maganathadi family (by virtue of lineage), leadership of three guthu houses namely, Kuthar Guthu, Kallala Guthu and Bolya Guthu along with Genimane balike house. Hundreds of supporting staff with specific assignments of service, work selflessly day in and day out for the smooth functioning of the festivals and rituals of these Daivas.
The people of Maganathadi family are functioning as the hereditary administrative heads of the festivals and rituals of these Daivas in accordance with the traditional customs and practices.
The Daivas Panjanthaya and Koragathaniya address Maganathadi family as ‘Kallala Guthu‘. It is the custom to preserve the valuable ornaments like the jewels of Panjanthaya daiva and the Stick, headgear (Muttale) of Koragathaniya Daiva in the safe custody of Maganathadi family.
In the seven adisthalas of Koragathaniya (Koragajja), it is strictly prohibited to construct temples, install idols, light lamps or burn incense etc. This restriction is the tradition followed here from time immemorial.
Seven adisthalasof Koraga Taniya (Koragajja):
Since time immemorial, when there was a conflict between the village Daivas Panjanthaya Banta and Maleyali Chamundi of Kaniru Thota, Vaidyanatha daiva came forward to negotiate for compromise between them with the grace of lord Shri Somanatha .
Vaidyanatha daiva told Panjanthayadaiva to throw a silver ball which it was holding. The silver ball thrown by Panjanthaya daiva from Bardekatta fell at Kannadakere. When Maleyali Chamundi daiva threw its bronze ball from Bardekatta, it fell at Kedilaya Katte near Kaniru Thota . The place where the ball fell was decided by Vaidyanatha daivaas the boundary place of Maleyali Chamundidaiva. Panjanthaya Banta Daivas promised Vaidyanatha daiva which has solved the conflict, to give service in their sirimudi. This practice is prevalent even now.
On the day of’ Sona Sankramana’ after the Tulu month ‘Aati’, village folk perform ‘Thudara Bali’ (Service of lighting the lamps) to Panjanthaya Banta and Vaidyanatha Daivas. As per the direction of Panjanthaya daiva, two kola festivals are offered to Koragathaniya Daiva, on behalf of the village ,at two adisthalas [1.Dekkadu Manjapalthamannu 2.Swamisthala (Someshwara).] In the remaining five adisthalas, ‘kolas’ (festivals) are performed by the Family authority, and then the ‘kolas’ (festivals) of vow by the villagers can be performed. In adisthala Someshwara, one ‘kola’ (festival) is performed by the contribution of the villagers. This is the tradition followed from age old days.
For Koragathaniya Daiva, in olden days people used to fulfil their vows by serving food on a plantain leaf placed on a Winnowing Pan (sammana or agel). This kind of service of fulfilling the vow can be done anywhere. There is no custom of offering ‘agel’ in any of the adisthalas of Koragathaniya . There is no customary restriction of place or locality for conducting this ritual.
Devotees kindly pay attention
Koragathaniya Daiva has received seven adisthalas as a gracious gift from Panjanthaya Daiva. Koragathaniya Daiva has been accepting kolas offered by its devotees without the use of lights and lamps in six of the seven adisthalas and blessing the devotees from time immorial. Apart from these seven adisthalas, Koragathaniya Daiva does not have any other adisthala. There is no entry for women from evening 6.30 pm to morning 6.30 am in these 7 adisthalas. Clicking photos and video recording is strictly prohibited in all the adisthalas.
Office Timings
Morning 9.00 am to evening 6.30 pm devotees willing to offer kola seva or donate money / articles, are requested to register their names in the administration office and accept receipt for the same.
May you and your family be blessed by Panjanthaya, Banta, Vaidhyanatha and Koragathaniya Daivas with health, prosperity and peace of mind forever.